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Living only on the island of Sumatra

The largest of all the cats

It is impossible to confuse the tiger with any other cat: it is the largest of all and the only one covered in stripes. Its coat mimics the shadows and light of the undergrowth, allowing the animal to go completely unnoticed just metres from its prey. Tigers may be solitary but they’re not antisocial: in India individuals have been seen hunting in collaboration with lions. The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of all tiger species.

The Sumatran tiger has been intensively hunted by humans for its alleged medicinal properties This, combined with various human activities such as deforestation and the destruction of primary forest land for the production of palm oil, has resulted in the Sumatran tiger being threatened by extinction. Breeding programmes have been put in place in various zoos.

  • Un tigre regardant derrière lui au zoo Le PAL
  • Un tigre pensif au zoo Le PAL
  • Un tigre s'approchant de l'eau au zoo Le PAL
  • Un tigre marchant avec détermination au zoo Le PAL

Sumatran tigers can only be found on the island of Sumatra.

  • Habitat

    Tropical forest, marshes and jungle.

  • Food

    Cervids, boar, monkeys, fish, etc.

The tiger’s roar can be heard over a distance of 3 km. It can be an indication of the animal’s dominance or that it has made a kill, but can also be used to signal its presence to other females or other tigers that may encroach upon its territory. Groaning noises are used to indicate submission. The Sumatran tiger is an excellent swimmer and can cover distances of around 30 km in the water. It is also an excellent climber and can jump 8 to 10 m high.
Did you know ?

The tiger’s roar can be heard over a distance of 3 km. It can be an indication of the animal’s dominance or that it has made a kill, but can also be used to signal its presence to other females or other tigers that may encroach upon its territory. Groaning noises are used to indicate submission. The Sumatran tiger is an excellent swimmer and can cover distances of around 30 km in the water. It is also an excellent climber and can jump 8 to 10 m high.

Sumatran tiger

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