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A real sprinter...

One of the biggest wild animals

How much does a hippopotamus weigh?
What's he eating ?
How does it move underwater?

Find all the answers to these questions in the hippopotamus educational activity. From their way of life to their characteristics, including their diet, the on-site healers will explain everything to you!

You have more questions ? Ask the healers at the end of the presentation!

If you are too impatient to wait for your visit to PAL, you can discover this emblematic species in its animal sheet. To follow all the adventures of our hippos on a daily basis, sponsor Image, our female. The hippos will soon have no more secrets for you!

  • Maman hippopotame et son petit sur la berge du lac du parc animalier Le PAL
  • Maman hippopotame et son petit à l'heure de l'animation pédagogique du parc animalier Le PAL
  • Hippopotame mangeant de la salade dans le lac du zoo Le PAL
  • Hippopotame du PAL mangeant du foin
The hippo is as comfortable in the water as it is on land. It can reach a running speed of 30km/h (20mph).
Did you know ?

The hippo is as comfortable in the water as it is on land. It can reach a running speed of 30km/h (20mph).

At Pal... The other shows

Learn more about the animals of the PAL with the animations presented by the trainers. A fun and educational moment for young and old.

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