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Lions and tigers, what are the differences?

Two distinct species

At snack time, the lions and tigers come closer... take the opportunity to observe them up close. Admire the dexterity with which they catch the pieces of meat. Discover their gestures, their reactions and their expressions... A moment rich in emotions, to share with the family!

Also take advantage of this privileged moment to learn more about these adorable animals not to be confused with each other. With its educational panels and the animal sheet of its mobile application, Le PAL offers you rich and lively content to strengthen your knowledge and understanding of the animal world.

  • Deux lionceaux dans l'herbe au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Une lionne qui mange au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Deux tigres au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Un tigre allongé sur un pierre au parc animalier Le PAL
Tigers and lions, endowed with remarkable skill and vivacity, are formidable hunters.
Did you know ?

Tigers and lions, endowed with remarkable skill and vivacity, are formidable hunters.

At Pal... The other shows

Learn more about the animals of the PAL with the animations presented by the trainers. A fun and educational moment for young and old.

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