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Can be recognised by its long black tail

A sociable animal

Small in size, the guira cuckoo can be recognised by its long black tail with a white tip, and especially by the faintly orange crest on its head. It is a sociable animal and lives in family units or even groups of 6 to 18 individuals. It is a lively and agile bird that rarely sits still. It is relatively noisy, especially as danger approaches. This common bird is not shy, even in captivity. It is agile in the treetops, quick and graceful in flight, and can often be seen on the ground in groups looking for food.

Guira cuckoos are found in Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina (South America) (link to page on animals from America).

The guira cuckoo reproduces in community-based groups in which several females lay eggs in a single nest which can contain more than 20 eggs and is built high up in the trees. Females recognise their own eggs, although chicks are fed by all group members. Sentries keep a lookout while others look for food. Chicks are ready to fledge just 2 to 3 weeks after hatching, but remain within the family group.

  • Deux  Guira Cantara dans un arbre au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Gros plan sur la tête d'un Guira Cantara au par animalier Le PAL
  • Un groupe de Guira Cantara alignés sur une branche au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Gros plan sur la tête d'un Guira Cantara au zoo Le PAL

  • Habitat

    Scrubland, sparse forest, pampas and dry savannah.

  • Food

    Large insects, micromammals and amphibians.

Guiras gather in the same location to sleep, and group members remain close to and groom one another.
Did you know ?

Guiras gather in the same location to sleep, and group members remain close to and groom one another.

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