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Living in an aquatic environment

The fastest of all seabirds underwater

The African penguin, like all penguins, is a seabird characterised by its adaptability to the aquatic environment. It is an excellent swimmer and the fastest of all seabirds underwater. It can attain speeds of 50 km an hour, making it a highly successful predator of fish. Although it can move about easily and with great agility on land standing upright, it is unable to fly. The feathers on its back and front are flattened and covered in down at the base, right against the animal’s skin. To maintain body temperature, a small pocket of air is trapped by its plumage, and bubbles can be seen escaping to the surface when it dives. African penguins can remain under water for 2 to 3 minutes.

African penguins are found in South Africa.

African penguins nest on sandy ground, sometimes in no more than a small hollow but usually in a proper den at the bottom of which they shelter from the heat of the sun. Couples take turn brooding. Both parents provide food for their young by regurgitating the food contained in their stomach. Chicks remain together in collective nurseries, and their parents can tell their own offspring apart from all the others by their unique call.

  • Groupe de Manchots du Cap en train de nager au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Un Manchot du Cap debout au zoo Le PAL en Auvergne
  • Groupe de Manchots du Cap au parc animalier Le PAL dans l'Allier
  • Un groupe de Manchots du Cap au borde de l'eau au zoo Le PAL

  • Habitat

    Coastal areas.

  • Food


Penguins are not to be confused with razorbills. They may be similar in appearance as they display the same colours and are both seabirds, but razorbills can fly. Penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere, while razorbills live in the northern hemisphere.
Did you know ?

Penguins are not to be confused with razorbills. They may be similar in appearance as they display the same colours and are both seabirds, but razorbills can fly. Penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere, while razorbills live in the northern hemisphere.

African penguin

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