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Living in South American countries

A well developed sense of smell

Tapirs (4 toes on their front hooves, 3 on the rear) are related to the equidae (horses, donkeys and zebras) and rhinoceros families. Together, these three families form the perissodactyla order: non-ruminating ungulates with an odd number of toes. The tapir has a characteristic nasal organ and upper lip which form a short mobile trunk. This prehensile lip allows it to feed by selecting and grabbing leaves and branches. Its most developed sense is its sense of smell.

  • Un tapir allant dans l'eau au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Un tapir sortant de l'eau au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Un tapir de dos dans l'herbe au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Un tapir allant dans l'eau au parc zoologique Le PAL dans l'Allier

The tapir likes to be around water, and is an excellent swimmer and diver. When frightened, it seeks refuge in water. It is a solitary species. Males mark their territory with splashes of urine. As well as using olfactory communication, tapirs also communicate in proximity using whistling sounds. Females produce a single calf, which has a hide that is striped with white spots, providing camouflage in the forest. The tapir’s predators, apart from humans, include jaguars and to a lesser extent pumas.

Tapirs are found in many South American countries, but are most common in Brazil.

  • Habitat

    Rainforest, near water or swamps.

  • Food

    Leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, buds, shoots and branches.

Thanks to its exceptional sense of smell, the tapir is able to differentiate between more than 50 plant species.
Did you know ?

Thanks to its exceptional sense of smell, the tapir is able to differentiate between more than 50 plant species.


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