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A light to a smoky grey and sometimes even a creamy yellow coat

Snow leopards live on rocky and broken terrain

The snow leopard’s coat can vary from a light to a smoky grey and sometimes even a creamy yellow.

Snow leopards are found across a wide area in the high mountains of central Asia. They live in the Himalayas, in southern and western Mongolia and in southern Russia. But more than half of all living snow leopards are found in China, particularly in the autonomous regions of Xinjiang and Tibet, as well as Sichuan, Qinghai and Gansu provinces. 

Snow leopards live on rocky and broken terrain. They favour long ridges for resting during the day and can be found in alpine and subalpine zones from altitudes of 900 to 5,500 m. During the winter, they sometimes move towards lower altitudes as they stalk their favourite prey. 

Snow leopards are mainly active at dawn and dusk. They are also highly mobile and easily move from one location to another to hunt or mate. They are mostly solitary animals but sometimes live in mating pairs. Their body shape allows them to perform huge leaps and climb trees with ease.

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  • Habitat

    They favour long ridges for resting during the day.

  • Food

    During the winter, they move towards lower altitudes as they stalk their favourite prey.

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Snow Leopard

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