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Only emerging at dawn and dusk

A tall animal with large ears

Male nyalas are tall animals with large ears, long horns and a ruffled coat. Juveniles and females are reddish-brown in colour and have no horns. They have well-developed senses and their large ears suggest that sound plays a particularly important role. Females produce a single calf, usually in August or September. They are ready to mate within a week of giving birth.

Nyalas are found in south-east Africa: Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

Nyalas live in groups of 8 to 16 individuals comprising females and their offspring as well as one or more males. Males are sometimes solitary. The nyala’s inability to flee from predators at high speed appears to have limited it to occupying covered biotopes, only emerging at dawn and dusk.

  • Groupe de Nyalas près des lodges au zoo Le PAL
  • Un petit Nyala au parc zoologique Le PAL
  • Un Nyala dans la forêt au zoo Le PAL
  • Un gros plans sur les oreilles et les yeux d'un Nyala au zoo Le PAL en Auvergne

  • Habitat

    Dense forest and savannah in south-east Africa.

  • Food

    Leaves, shoots and bark

Nyalas can stand on their hind legs in order to reach the leaves and bark of trees.
Did you know ?

Nyalas can stand on their hind legs in order to reach the leaves and bark of trees.


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