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Caps of all colors

Des animaux et des hommes

AWELY works for the conservation of endangered species by putting people at the center of its actions. Indeed, AWELY works for the protection of certain emblematic species and natural environments while involving local populations and establishing solutions to help them develop in perfect harmony with the animals that surround them.

Three types of programs have been created:

  • The Red Caps, which work on conflict resolution programs between humans and animals and develop initiatives promoting their cohabitation
  • The Green Caps, which focus their efforts on improving the situation for an iconic endangered animal species.
  • The Blue Caps, which work on the protection or regeneration of an ecosystem

The Le PAL Nature Foundation has financially supported AWELY since 2009. Each year a sum is donated and used mainly for a red cap program in Zambia, in the South Luangwa National Park. This country is the territory of many conflicts between humans and animals, especially elephants.

These funds have enabled the creation of educational booklets, the establishment of training workshops in alternative crops, the construction of secure granaries as well as the learning of scaring techniques such as the propulsion of chilli in the direction of elephants which allows them to be kept away from inhabited areas.

At PAL, you can find a group of 5 Asian elephants. Acra the matriarch, Kavery the grandmother and Nina the mother of little Tom born in 2014, whom you can also sponsor with the Foundation. And finally the male elephant Upali arrived in 2019.

The conservation of a wild species also depends on the economic development of the area concerned.
Did you know ?

The conservation of a wild species also depends on the economic development of the area concerned.

At PAL... Others projects

The Foundation supports and supports financially, technically and humanly projects which, in France and abroad, offer lasting solutions to respond to the threats facing biodiversity, and in particular endangered wildlife species and their habitat.

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