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Raise user awareness ...

With a backpack!

The Loire Océane Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives (CPIE) carries out awareness-raising trips on the coast in Guérande (44). The association notes that the affected public feels concerned by the quality of the water and the environments (swimming, seashells, etc.) while being little aware of the impact of its uses on these same environments.

To continue to reach this audience, while expanding to a more local audience (walkers, water sports enthusiasts, local residents, etc.), the CPIE Loire Océane wishes to equip itself with an autonomous discovery tool, available all year round.

The solution ? La Musette du Littoral! It will take the form of an easy-to-carry backpack, containing various accessories and activities to discover the coast, its richness and its specificities. An accompanying booklet will allow the borrower to compose his discovery according to his wishes, the place where he is and the age of the participants, while providing elements of information on issues related to water.

Being available in several sites of the territory of the CPIE, you can use it if you are on vacation in Loire Atlantique.

The Le PAL Nature Foundation financed the project to create 15 musettes, in addition to the 3 existing ones. The content of the Musette is very varied: discovery tools and material, various books and guides, as well as 3 booklets including the flora and fauna identification booklet which constitutes a special link with the local fauna (shells, animals sailors, birds ...).

The Musette will be available at the CPIE, in certain tourist offices, in media libraries, libraries, town halls, leisure centers and other places in the territory of the CPIE.
Did you know ?

The Musette will be available at the CPIE, in certain tourist offices, in media libraries, libraries, town halls, leisure centers and other places in the territory of the CPIE.

Coastal musette

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