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A fearful of the rain

A great curious

Fifa lives with Zimba (his mother), Soket, Ace and Zambia (the 3 adult males). She also lives with her 7 brothers and sisters: Loustik, Black, Yagarou, Noushka, Nouba, Arcadie and Jalil.

The keepers are not sure who her daddy is because Zimba has mated with the 3 cocks. This unexpected behavior may be explained by the fact that the pack has recently formed and all of the adults are quite young. One thing is certain, however: Soket is the dominant male!

Fifa first opened his eyes on October 12, 2019, almost 3 weeks after he was born. At the age of 1 month, she started going outside, even though the whole small troop was free to access their outdoor enclosure.

Fifa began to eat meat around 1 and a half months, first in the form of games and then to eat. When the keepers placed a carcass in their enclosure, the adults with their predator jaws took care of opening them to allow the young to eat first.

Now they don't need them anymore! There are 12 adult wild dogs in the enclosure and the keepers feed them around 35 kilos of meat 3 times a week (chicken, beef, sheep, etc.).

Now that they're grown up Fifa and his siblings have access to the enclosure all the time except when winter arrives. It is too cold and they prefer to sleep all day in the warmth, with their parents.

Very curious, she watches as her keepers hang food for them on the paddock pulley.

It is called Fifa because it is a nod to the technical managers of the park (Philipe and Fabrice) who got involved in the birth by setting up a heating and surveillance system.
Did you know ?

It is called Fifa because it is a nod to the technical managers of the park (Philipe and Fabrice) who got involved in the birth by setting up a heating and surveillance system.

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