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Like a fish in water

A tiger like no other

Taru lives with Kinabalu, an older female, who arrived in October 2018. They are only separated at feeding time so that the caretakers can control what they eat. Taru eats raw chicken, red meat and occasionally rabbit. They have two days of fasting per week, in order to preserve their natural rhythm!

The keepers come to visit them at least twice a day: in the morning to take them out, to check the security of their building and their enclosure and in the evening for their evening meal. No scratching behind the ear, no hugs and no contact: Taru and Kinabalu could be very dangerous for them.

To prevent them from getting bored, the healers change their meal times, hide their food ...

With the heat felt during the summer of 2019, they were also able to show that tigers love water! Many visitors were able to see them basking in the water point of their enclosure to cool off ... While the caretakers only saw it in photos.

On hanging tree trunks, the healers have enticing scents to stimulate them to climb.
Did you know ?

On hanging tree trunks, the healers have enticing scents to stimulate them to climb.

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