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The European lynx, a solitary feline

other feature of its environment for camouflage and launches a surprise attack. If it fails to catch its prey on the first attempt, it gives up.The Eurasian lynx is a solitary animal that hunts by getting as close to its prey as possible without being detected. It uses the vegetation or any

Geographic distribution of the Eurasian lynx

Eurasian lynx are found in Europe and Asia.


Eurasian lynx under threat

In France, the population of Eurasian lynx is vulnerable due to low numbers and its dispersion geographically. It also suffers from poaching and collisions with cars. Sanctions, protective measures and scientific studies are expected to help ensure its survival.

  • Deux Lynx d'Europe au parc animalier Le PAL dans l'Allier
  • Gros plan sur un Lynx d'Europe au parc animalier Le PAL dans l'Allier
  • un Lynx d'Europe allongé dans un arbre au parc animalier Le PAL en Auvergne
  • Lynx d'Europe dans un arbre, au zoo Le PAL en Auvergne

  • Habitat

    Forest, mountains and wooded hills

  • Food

    Chamois, roe deer, hares

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Eurasian lynx

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