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Conserve our natural and cultural heritage

For a more sustainable Allier

ADATER (Animation and Development of Technical Actions for Responsible Eco-citizenship) is an association created by naturalists and environmental education facilitators wishing to share their passion for the natural and cultural heritage of Nord-Allier. Its purpose is to contribute to the development of environmental education among different audiences and to participate in local economic development.

The main aims of the association are:

  • Training in eco-citizenship: raising awareness, training and empowering the public
  • Encourage the preservation and increase of biodiversity: through a better knowledge and understanding of its environment
  • Promote local heritage: through events linking the current environment in which we live and the past.
  • Allowing the terroirs to remain alive: creation of gardens on the model of garden-refuge, teaching and educational tools, places of discovery and exchange.
  • Create a link between participants: during events, the link is created by sharing experience, by establishing a climate of trust and giving everyone the opportunity to express themselves.
ADATER, recognized by the National Education and political leaders of services relating to the environment, is a key player in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development in its territory of action.
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ADATER, recognized by the National Education and political leaders of services relating to the environment, is a key player in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development in its territory of action.


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At PAL... Others projects

The Foundation supports and supports financially, technically and humanly projects which, in France and abroad, offer lasting solutions to respond to the threats facing biodiversity, and in particular endangered wildlife species and their habitat.

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  • What's up ? News from the Le PAL Nature Foundation

    Missions, actions, projects, partners, theme days ... Discover the latest news from The Le PAL Nature Foundation.

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