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A bridge between the rural and urban world

The future in the countryside

Polymorphe acts for the enhancement of its rural territory and in favor of artistic creation.

Their goals:

  • Develop the attractiveness and dynamism of a rural area (especially among young people). For this, it organizes a biennial festival bringing together local organizations and highlighting their achievements. It also supports various actors of the territory in their process of structuring, development and communication.
  • Foster learning, creativity and reflection by offering a program of creative workshops, participatory workshops and discussions on environmental issues. These activities allow him to promote a lifestyle respectful of nature to an urban audience.
  • Support emerging artists who often face the difficulty of obtaining qualitative workspaces and suffer from a real lack of support in their career. Polymorphe welcomes artists during residencies, in an inspiring rural environment.

The Le PAL NATURE Foundation partially supports the organization of awareness-raising actions:

  • 4 participatory hedge replanting projects: reconstitution of 14 km of hedges to restore ecosystems, sources of food and habitat for many local species.
  • 3 permaculture internships: awareness of the issues of soil preservation and reconstitution, testing and implementing sustainable gardening and cultivation techniques with work in harmony with wildlife.
The Le PAL Nature Foundation took charge of the purchase of 20 tree shoots for the
Did you know ?

The Le PAL Nature Foundation took charge of the purchase of 20 tree shoots for the "tree planting" workshop and 200 shrubs for the "hedges" workshop.

Polymorphic Association

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At PAL... Others projects

The Foundation supports and supports financially, technically and humanly projects which, in France and abroad, offer lasting solutions to respond to the threats facing biodiversity, and in particular endangered wildlife species and their habitat.

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