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In the heart of the Pyrenees...

Hike again with the Iberian ibexes

Endangered throughout Europe, it is increasingly difficult to observe Iberian ibexes in their natural state. Faced with this decline, the Pyrenees National Park has decided to react. It is at the heart of this national park that the association "Le retour du Bouquetin dans les Pyrénées" operates. Helped by many specialists, the association ensures the proper reintegration of the animal into its natural habitat. To do this, regular monitoring of the species is carried out for at least 5 years.

The action of this association focuses on 4 major axes:

  • Ensure the viable installation of a population of Iberian ibexes in the Pyrenees National Park.
  • Limit the risk of disturbance in order to ensure the return of the Iberian ibex to the Pyrenees.
  • Contribute to knowledge of the species and use this experience for future operations.
  • Raise awareness in schools to safeguard the return of the Iberian ibex to the Pyrenees.
At the end of 2021, the Pyrenean population counted 480 Iberian ibexes, including more than 290 individuals in the Pyrenees National Park and around 190 individuals in the Ariège Pyrenees Regional Nature Park.
Did you know ?

At the end of 2021, the Pyrenean population counted 480 Iberian ibexes, including more than 290 individuals in the Pyrenees National Park and around 190 individuals in the Ariège Pyrenees Regional Nature Park.

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