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An international structure with ...

Local expertise

PASA is the largest association of wildlife centers in Africa. It benefits both from the local expertise of its members (more than twenty in 12 different countries) and from its international structure for the fight against wildlife trafficking. To respond to this immediate threat, PASA and its partners have set up the APC (Action For Chimpanzees) program to sustainably reduce chimpanzee trafficking.

How? By initiating various actions:

  • an innovative research program seeking to better document trafficking networks
  • coordinated training actions for law enforcement agencies engaged in the repression of trafficking
  • a large awareness campaign for local audiences

The APC program is effectively contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Western Chimpanzee Action Plan of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) by focusing on local causes of illegal trade.

The Le PAL Nature Foundation supports PASA for:

  • development of informational messages to be placed on billboards in 3 three target countries (Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia). The content is adapted to local cultural particularities and is intended for audiences likely to participate in poaching and trafficking in chimpanzees.
  • production of a total of six large format billboards (12m2)
  • long-term rental of strategic locations identified upstream
The Chimpanzee Conservation Center (Primates France Project) that the Le PAL Nature Foundation supports, is one of the members of PASA.
Did you know ?

The Chimpanzee Conservation Center (Primates France Project) that the Le PAL Nature Foundation supports, is one of the members of PASA.

Pan African Sanctuary Alliance

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